Sunday, June 24, 2007

Monday Rush

Every Monday, around Six o'clock in the morning my DAD drops me off the bus station. There, I wait for the ALABANG - SKYWAY-LAWTON bus to stop and pick up Monday morning rushers. All of us eager to get on the earliest bus to arrive.

While most of us realize that it's still 6am, and we still have a maximum of 2hrs and 30mins to get to Makati or manila, we still fight for that last seat or that empty place in the middle of the bus. Somehow, the timing REALLY is a big deal. I've had experiences where a 5mins difference in departure means 30mins in the real URBAN world. But that's if the bus driver is a road maniac or has had too much coffee for breakfast.

It just amazes me how people rush to get on a bus even if it's already jam packed. They know for sure that there will come another bus, spacious and accommodating enough for all. There wouldn't be any harassments, torture and mental torment. Only catch is you'll have to wait for a minimum of 10mins or worst 1hrs. It could have been better; it's just the waiting part that sucks! Why do the perfect BUS arrives 30 minutes late. Not as if you couldn't wait any longer. It's the idea of uncertainty and the thought of having been left alone - Thinking, you could have gone with the first 3 full bus - that is killing the rushers and making them choose to suffer sudden pain than indefinite agony.

Personally, I think I have longer patience. I think I can wait longer. I just keep asking myself why do I have to rush, when there's nothing too urgent to do. I would definitely arrive earlier than those who live next to the place I'm going. Nobody is pushing me, but myself. RELAX a bit.

Plus, I just have to keep in mind that the more I adjust time backwards to give allowance, the more time I waste waiting. It's really not just a matter of who's early but a matter of timing as well. Why do you have to be early, if you know you couldn't catch the PERFECT bus? Why not arrive in time for the perfect bus?

Every time I wait for that bus I wonder...

In life, do we wait for the PERFECT BUS to arrive or are we too afraid of the uncertainty that we'll hop onto the first trip regardless whether that bus will have stop over or might not journey on to our final destination?

For now, I find it difficult to know if I had chosen the right bus.. Of course I would have been half asleep to notice.

REPOST FROM SNOWWIZARD, a person who's single and still believe that true love comes in a perfect timing. =)

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